If I were still in the military, I would be savoring the last day of a 3 or 4 day weekend. We lived for the time off. Now every day is a day off. But like the SO likes to say, "When did we have time to work". There is so much to do at home.
I'm still in my pajamas and it is almost 10AM. I've shared my breakfast with 2 of my furbrats, so now I'm getting ready to get dressed.
I have decided I need a study spot.
Don't know if I mentioned, but half my house is filled with boxes and covered up furniture. I still have not unpacked. Not because I don't want to, but because I think my SO has a phobia about this. I'll explain and add pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Last night I used my chaise lounge that is stuck in the living room as a study spot. I even slept there. SO has the TV blaring so loud, it is hard to sleep. All the pets wanted to sleep with me, so it was not the most comfortable sleep.
Today I might arrange some space and bring in a chair and ottoman to this front bedroom, so I can have a comfy spot to spread my books. I also have a nice round table and lamp. I can picture it now in my head.
I added a nice picture of some of my hanging baskets with dark impatiens.
Your hanging baskets are more beautiful than I imagined. Love the pictures you're posting...can't wait to see more!
You do so good with hanging baskets there beautiful. I have very little pots of plants this year because of the heat.
Beautiful colour in your baskets. I just love the way you have them hanging in the trees. I may have to give that a try next year.
Thanks for all the nice comments on my hanging baskets. I really have to give credit to SO. He is the one who purchased the flying dragon basket hooks. You might not be able to see them in the picture. He painted them also, they look really cute.
I used to have big ferns hanging on wire in the trees. They looked like they were suspended in mid-air. A few windstorms took care of that. I might want him to do that again.
I did hanging baskets because it was so hot last year I couldn't keep up with the watering. I limited the number of plants I have. I loved that color of impatiens. It is not a picture of their peak bloom. It was much fuller before.
Keeping the baskets in the shade helps with the water situation.
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