Sunday, September 2, 2007

I really must post more often

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. So it goes with the intentions of posting.

We've started school and I really love, love, love it!

I love my American Literature class. Discussing our book assignment with the others in class is fantastic. I'm learning things about novels I never noticed before, and it is only the first week!

My education class is fun also. I have to do 20 hours of observation in a local school. I might do it at my sister's pre-school. It is a headstart program and really it would fulfill the purpose of the class - to see if you have what it takes to be a teacher!

The kids in her class come from low income families. She says they have lots of problems and sometimes it brings her down. I figure this is a good place to start. In the back of my head I have this urge to be a good role model for small kids. The urge has not fully developed yet, but we'll see where it goes.

I do have a degree in Accounting already, but I never used it. I did well in those classes, but it was more of a competitive drive that kept me from switching majors. We lost more and more people every year and I just would not give up. I really didn't study much and still had a 3.0. We used to say if you can't cut Accounting, become a Marketing major. Funny, but Marketing majors probably make more money than accountants now - ha ha!

I could have landed a good job with my Air Force skills. I even had offers before I retired, but working in electronics/communications didn't do it for me either. Again I did well and got promoted, but I didn't put as much effort into my career as I could have.

I think I am finally getting the satisfaction from school that I always wanted. The feeling that I love my classes, love my books, can't wait to start that new chapter.

I can't wait to take my first exams - crazy right?

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